Sunday, November 27, 2011

My dream act ESSAY;

Dream Act:
        My essay is about the Dream Act. This article was written by the author named Jose Miguel Leyva. It was published for the Progressive Magazine. This article gives many ways to think about how our future could be like if they approved the dream act
       The author is trying to say in the article that the Dream Act would do so much good to the undocumented children that live in the United States that would like to study a career and go to college.He clearly says that it is truly unfair to close the doors on them when all they are asking for is some support to help them achieve their dreams when they grow up and have a better life than they're parents had .Lastly but not least he says a very important thing which is that we shall not deny them the opportunity to have a better life , they are no different from your children or mine

  .What the author Levya is doing in this article is that the act is in proceses to being accepted in the Congress. Also he states a fact that why would they spend so much money on commercials, programms, etc... when the the ones that really want to go you just dont even listen to the because they are illegal immigrant , they did not choose to be immigrants they just are . He states that even though they are illegal here if they are willing to work hard and go to college then they should get the opportunity to prove that they can make it in the world and become somebody.

The significance of this article is  that a new beginning ca happen for the united states  if they approve it . Why is because it would involve more graduating students, more jobs, better economy.
My decision would be to approve it united states should stop being raisist and deal with the fact that  the dream act will and not maybe but will benefit us all in a way.That is the path to success.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

 This image relates to my book because it has a picture of faces being transformed into better one before /after

Monday, November 21, 2011

my theme from my 3rd book "THE UGLIES"


My book the uglies has a theme that i came up with .
my theme is dont change for someone who doesnt like you for the real person you are, it will never be worth it.

what im trying to say in my theme is that since TALLY my main charachter  wants to do that operation that will take her a while she will wait 3 months to do it when she turn 16. she will get the operation to please people on not looking so ugly to them. She wants to feel wanted in the places she goes and not critizized everywhere. Since she likes her best friend she had since she was a little girl, he got the operation and he cant be seen with an ugly girl in new pretty town or it will be a big disaster for him. So what i mean is if he wont accept her the way she is and how she looks infront of himself and everybody then why even be friends with a guy like him. she should love herself the way she is and not feel bad about what people think about her.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

connection post to my 3rd book the UGLIES

How i connect to the story is that as me also the guy didnt want to be around me because i wasnt good enough for him to be seen with. He thought he was too cool for me so in this story the friend that Tally like doesnt want to be around her until she gets the operation and turns pretty. I feel how she feels kinda sad because u think you are worth nothing compared to other people.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

another new post on my book "UGLIES"

"New pretties had their own WARDENS"

what this quote means is that the new pretties stood up their guard and acted like they were so important to society and nobody  mattered except them

quote from my book "uglies"

Tally was gonna turn pretty in 3 months and some days.              

what this quote means is that nobody know what happens but when u are are regular girl or boy people that turned pretty call u ugly just because u didnt take those 3 months and days to become pretty so that is what tally wants to do so that she can fit in with the popular and new pretties like she will soon become to be.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

qoute from 2nd book mixed messages analysis

Another quote that i found in my book is " shoot for the moon" what this quote mean is that no matter wat you got to keep avhieving and go bigger than anything, this means to not give up always believe in youself and encourage yourself to do what you want to to and never say no for an answer if its your dream.