Thursday, March 15, 2012

Characters,conflict and evalutation

What I liked about this book alot was that Jermiah and Elisha meet in high school and from there they fell in love.What I would change about this book is all the critizizm they got from a white teen and black teen being together.Everywhere they went they would hear bad rumors about them and they look so wrong together.Ididnt dislike anything at all in this book because because itz a chick book filled with drama & im suker for those kinds of books.
The main conflict in my book was that so much difference between jermiah's family and elisha's family. None of there would families would them to have a relationship together.The internal conflict about the book was that Elisha's mom had abonded her when she a little girl and then she came back but their relationship is not the same. Her mom tries to get closer to her but the Elisha doesnt care no more.Also Jermiah's parents are split and the parents are always asking to choose between them and its too much pressure for him. The the external conflict is the world cant accept jermiah and elisha being as a couple.
What they learn is too move with life no matter happens and not care what people say about you.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Independent Reading Book : BLog post "If U Come To Me Softly"

      A siginficant qoute from my book was that that Jermiah the dude that Elisha likes she keeps thinking about him and in her first day of class she has to wear uniforn and she thinks it suks to dress the same as all the other students . What was so significant about that day was that it was raining so hard and Elisha was walking to her house in the street of Brooklyn and she was carring some books from school and she dropped them by accedent but the cool part of the whole thing was that Jermiah was walking right pass her and he decide to bend down to help her pick up all her books as sch a gentlemen. ELlsha was frozen and kept staring at Jermiah face she admired Jermiahs beauty , she liked is eyes ,hair,black skin. They both said hi and JErmiah told her he would see her areound tpo be nice. Elisha was happy that all of this had happened and then went to her house for dinner wanting to tell her mom what had happened to her with him. She kept thinking about that for almost the whole day.